Once a major whaling port with two dozen whaling ships, this town is rich in history. Located on the “other fork” of Long Island, opposite Montauk Point, this quaint town is not only beautiful in the summer, but comes alive with Holiday Magic in December too!

This beautiful wire sculpture greets you as you come off of the ferry or are walking through town by the water. It is my understanding that it is perched high on steel beams originally from the World Trade Center. The town offers many wonderful galleries with beautiful artwork. If you love the water, and need a ‘pick me up’ in the winter, purchasing a piece for your home is just the right antidote!

Located just off Main Street, is a lovely little shop called the White Weathered Barn. It offers unique gifts for the home and the soul. Self described as a “Lifestyle Boutique,” handmade, custom and vintage finds are beautifully displayed in a tranquil atmosphere. Fine art & photography from local and well known artists are offered to keep the viewer at peace.